Mês: Abril 2014

Mozambique: mass power cuts

For approximately two weeks, certain cities of Mozambique including Maputo/ Matola, Gaza, Inhambane and some provinces south of Mozambique, will suffer mass power cuts. The Substation located in Matola, where the Electricity of Mozambique (EDM) will be replacing transformers of 60 MVA’s for 250 MVA’s;  will be required to perform  a series of tests. The […]

Mozambique: immigration in 3 steps (part III)

The Work Visa (WV) The Work Visa is obtained from a Mozambican Consulate, and it often requires the presence of the applicant as well as supporting documentation. The WV will allow the holder of a valid WP to travel to Mozambique and apply for a Residence Permit. It is valid for a single entry and […]

Mozambique: immigration in three steps (part II)

Autorização de Trabalho (AT) Se a empresa tem quota, e mesmo antes de o trabalhador viajar para o país, deve fazer a comunicação da contratação ao Ministério do Trabalho na Província onde esse trabalhador for prestar serviços. Normalmente demora 2 semanas. Se a empresa não tem quota, deve demonstrar que o seu colaborador tem qualificações […]

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