
Appetite for Portuguese health assets grow internationally

Os activos de saúde Portugueses estão na mira de grupos internacionais, aos mais diversos níveis, quer pela reconhecida excelência internacional dos prestadores destes cuidados, quer porque o mercado português, em si, apresenta um interessante potencial. Cada vez mais, países como a Alemanha, Reino Unido, Arábia Saudita, Kuwait, Jordânia, UAE, França, Bélgica ou Macau populam o […]

Strategy for the Portuguese Speaking Market

(…)”Today, with 3.7% of the world population and 3.6% of the world’s total GDP, the Portuguese speaking market is a massive economic, social and cultural world power. Combining the largest economy in Latin America with the fastest growing countries in Africa, it’s future potential exceeds what analysts, politicians and policy makers could only have imagined […]

What Are The Benefits of Using a Serviced Apartment?

The concept of Serviced Apartments has evolved over the years and can now be generally described as an apartment alternative to hotel accomodation for long stay leisure or business travellers. But why should company employees choose serviced apartments instead of the services of a traditional hotel? According to The Global Serviced Apartments Industry Report 2013/14, […]

Moving-ON assists Non-Habitual Residents in Portugal!

During the year we constantly see our customers come and go, most of them arriving or leaving with a mix of feelings, depending on their future expectations and what they have professsionally or personally experienced and achieved. However, it’s a well known fact that this is the time of year when it’s more difficult to leave our country: lovely beaches, shining […]

Online Services for Student & Faculty

Moving-ON was present at the EURA 2014 International Relocation Congress held in Edinburgh from the 9th to the 11th of April. Speaking as a panellist in the “Diversify” session – dedicated to looking at innovations in destination services and talking to the people who have pioneered them – Isabel Cudell from Moving-ON (2nd from right) focused on innovating […]

Why choose Serviced Apartments?

Moving-ON and The Apartment Service The concept of Serviced Apartments has evolved over the years and can now be generally described as an apartment alternative to hotel accomodation for long stay leisure or business travellers. But why should company employees choose serviced apartments instead of the services of a traditional hotel? According to The Global Serviced Apartments Industry Report […]

Foreign students increase 60% in three years

16 de fevereiro de 2014, Expresso. Número de estudantes internacionais nas universidades e politécnicos portugueses aumentou 60% em três anos. Para algumas escolas, o campeonato por mais alunos já se joga em todo o mundo. Os últimos dados do Ministério da Educação mostram o aumento de alunos internacionais a estudar em instituições de ensino portuguesas. […]

Government set on “talent-visas” for immigrants

Depois de ter “aconselhado” os portugueses a emigrar, o Governo parece agora mudar a agulha e aposta em captar novos imigrantes e reter as saídas de portugueses. Pedro Lomba, o secretário de Estado responsável pela área da imigração, está a finalizar um plano estratégico que visa conceder o que o Governo chama de “vistos-talento” a […]

Portugal focus on internationalization of higher education

[hr_invisible] Boas notícias para o mundo académico, divulgadas na imprensa esta semana: “…As universidades portuguesas deverão começar a receber estudantes internacionais no próximo ano, segundo o Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) depois de uma reunião no Ministério da Educação sobre a reorganização da rede do Ensino Superior. No final do encontro, o presidente […]

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